As I enter his room, I am taken aback
He’s healthy and strong
And his eyes full of spark
He’s pleading to me please don’t give me bad news
Give me something to hold to, some hope I can use
I wish I can do that, I wish I could lie
I wish I could tell him to stop and not hide
I wish I could scream that he has a full life
I wish I could tell him to look for a wife
I wish I can give him more hope and explore
I wish I could forget that he is 24
However, my duty and privilege is to be fair
I have to be honest, I cannot pretend
I tell him the truth that he’s dying inside
I tell him the facts, though I am desperate to hide
I see as the hope drains his beautiful eyes
A life he not lived yet escaping his mind
We both understand that not much I can do
My heart aches for him as it’s splitting in two

Dr. Gelberg is a hospitalist and health sciences assistant professor at the University of California San Diego. In her free time, she enjoys painting with her three kids.