Publishing Opportunities

The Hospitalist is the official news magazine of the Society of Hospital Medicine. As such, we publish articles written by SHM members or contracted freelancers.

If you’re an SHM member interested in contributing to The Hospitalist, there are several opportunities. The Hospitalist publishes articles about news, trends, and issues in hospital medicine. Every story must present practical, usable information for our readers—material that is immediately helpful to them in their professional lives.

Topics include Clinical, COVID-19, Critical Care, Procedures, Practice Management, Quality, Technology, Diversity, Career, Leadership, Education, or Pediatrics. Depending on the topic, articles range from 800-2,500 words.

If you have a story idea that fits one of these topics, email a query to editor Lisa Casinger, or physician editor Dr. Weijen Chang. Please do not send completed manuscripts. A query consists of a few paragraphs that tell us why our readers would value the story, potential experts or sources for the story, and how the story would influence the provision of hospital medicine. In your query, include your name, title, and organization, as well as a daytime phone number.

Within the Clinical category, we publish In the Literature (timely, brief updates of literature relevant to hospital medicine), Key Clinical Questions (timely, concise answers to common questions frequently encountered in hospital medicine), Interpreting Diagnostic Tests (timely, concise interpretations of diagnostic tests frequently encountered in hospital medicine), How We Did It (highlights how individual hospital programs have successfully implemented innovations), and Coding Corner (brief tips on common coding questions). If you wish to contribute to In the Literature or Key Clinical Questions, contact Dr. Weijen Chang. If you wish to contribute to Interpreting Diagnostic Tests, contact Dr. Keri Holmes-Maybank. If you wish to contribute to How We Did It or Coding Corner, contact Lisa Casinger.

If you’d like to share your news about a promotion, award, or recognition for our Movers and Shakers column, send your information and headshot to Lisa Casinger.

If you’re looking for a creative outlet, consider HM Voices. This online-exclusive area of The Hospitalist is where we showcase creative writing—In Your Words (poetry, essays, etc.) or creative visuals—In Your Eyes (photos, art, digital creations). Send submissions for consideration to Lisa Casinger.

Writer’s Guidelines

Physician Writer General Guidelines—these include The Hospitalist’s style, citation guidelines, preferences, etc.

In the Literature Guidelines

Key Clinical Questions Guidelines

Interpreting Diagnostic Tests Guidelines

How We Did It Guidelines

Coding Corner Guidelines

Coding Corner features common coding and/or billing issues hospitalists regularly face. 

  • Format
  • Case (100-120 words)
  • What level of billing does this qualify for? (100 words) 
  • Tip (50 words)

HM Voices Guidelines

HM Voices is the online-exclusive area where SHM members can showcase their creative writing—In Your Words (poetry, essays, etc.) or creative visuals—In Your Eyes (photos, art, digital creations).

To promote and foster an inclusive environment, we follow these guidelines:

  • We will not publish work that promotes or condones acts of violence or is disrespectful of people based on age, race, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, appearance, or ability.
  • You can submit multiple works, but we limit publication from each author to one per quarter.
  • Authors will complete a Copyright Transfer Agreement and a disclosure form for each submission.