
  1. Monique Harris

    Thank you for publishing this article. In addition, the current PHM fellowship curriculum consists of 6-8 months of clinical electives, divided into 4 weeks blocks covering the different subspecialities, that you just completed as a resident. An additional month of pulm, neuro, critical care, GI, Heme/Onc etc will not eliminate the need to consult those subspecialists, so whats the point of the additional formal training. The bulk of the fellowship is research and QI. Those skills aren’t of value to every hospitalist. Those who don’t value the benefits of the fellowship should still have an option of secure certification, without having to do one.

  2. Becca Rosenberg

    Completely agree with all points. Further the content in the phm board exam overlaps significantly with gen peds boards. It just does not represent the skills and knowledge hospitalists have outside of any fellowship. This was a rushed process without objective examination of consequences in a growing field. SHM pathway is more appropriate and if that could be more open, accessible or specific to pediatrics, we could encourage that alternative.


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