For FY15, the number of hospitals penalized and the amount of the penalty are expected to increase. In addition, 1% of hospitals are anticipated to receive the maximum penalty, while 77% are expected to have some penalty, and 22% will likely have no penalty. The maximum penalty has topped out at 3% of Medicare inpatient payments.
HCAHPS Star Ratings
The CMS Hospital Compare website will debut ‘star ratings’ in April 2015 to make it easier for consumers to decipher the site’s information. In a format similar to the one used by Nursing Home Compare, the website will use a five-star rating system based on the 11 publicly reported HCAHPS measures. The initial ratings will be based on discharges during the period ranging from July 2013 through June 2014.
What’s a Hospitalist to Do?
The latest version of CMS incentive programs should serve to reinforce your hospital medicine group’s strategy to be agents of collaboration and change. Link up with your quality department to align priorities, and make sure you have hospitalist representatives on key patient safety, patient experience, and quality improvement committees.
Because dollars are at stake for your hospital, have a clear understanding of the value your hospitalist group brings to the table, so you can secure the appropriate financial support for the time and work expended on these initiatives.
And don’t forget to keep the patient at the center of your efforts.

Dr. Whitcomb is chief medical officer of Remedy Partners. He is co-founder and past president of SHM. E-mail him at [email protected].