A Simple SPARK
Until MOC is reformed, physicians seeking recertification have no option but to continue under the current process. To help members with test preparation, SHM has launched SPARK, an online tool to prepare physicians for the ABIM/ABFM Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine (FPHM) exam. It is available to SHM members at a significant discount. SPARK features 175 vignette-style, single best answer, multiple-choice questions, complete with answers, cohort comparison, discussion, references, and quizzing capabilities. This first edition targets gaps in other available tools like palliative care, ethics and decision-making, patient safety, peri-operative care, consultative co-management, quality, cost, and clinical reasoning.
The first iteration of SPARK has launched. From here, we will expand SPARK to include preparation materials for the remainder of the family medicine/internal medicine sections of the MOC exam. As the only FPHM MOC preparation tool created by hospitalists for hospitalists, we believe SPARK provides an effective and more affordable alternative to the test preparation tools offered directly through ABIM and ABFM.
Although the concept of MOC is a valid one, the process should be improved to ensure that physicians maintain the knowledge necessary to deliver high quality care. As we work toward further reforms, we hope SPARK will ease the preparation process for our members.

Dr. Harrington is chief medical officer at Reliant Post-Acute Care Solutions in Atlanta, Ga., and president of SHM.