Presenters: Mary L Ehlenbach, MD, FAAP; Megan Z Cardoso, MD, FAAP; and Christina Kleier, ARNP, PNP
This session at PHM16 was focused on logistical tips on how to build a pediatric complex care program. Presenters opened with a discussion of how to define children with medical complexity going through a variety of different methods including some research based aggregation of ICD-10 codes, referral from both families and other providers, and identifying patients by consumption of hospital resources. The presentation continued by highlighting that although medically complex children make up only a small percentage of the overall population of children, they account for about 1/3 of healthcare spending and due to advances in technology and medicine this group of children is growing in numbers. This group makes up about 10% of all pediatric admissions.
The session then went on to break down into four small groups which focused on details about how to create a complex care program and how to evaluate effectiveness of the program. Group 1 discussed methods of identifying patients that the program will serve. This included setting guidelines if a certain group or diagnosis should be excluded from the program. Different models of what services were also discussed which ranged from providing a comprehensive medical home to inpatient consults or care coordination services. The second group focused on what team members it may be beneficial to have involved. Team composition varied widely usually including MDs, NPs, social workers, RNs and at times a documentation expert who could aid with proper billing to boost revenue. The third group focused on how to measure quality services including family surveys of quantitative impact and satisfaction, PCP satisfaction. The final session consisted of the business and financial considerations of beginning a complex care program.
Key Takeaways:
- Children with medical complexity are a growing population on which a large proportion of healthcare resources are utilized. A program dedicated to serving the needs of this population may be helpful in reducing costs and improving the patient and family experience during hospitalizations.
- When working to initiate a complex care program:
- Set clear guidelines about which children the program is intended to serve and in what capacity it will function.
- Ensure the team composition is sustainable and meets the needs of the patients.
- Aggregate data about if the program is helping. This may be difficult to quantify since these are mostly qualitative measures.
- Include team members who are non-clinical to aid in improving hospital revenue and highlighting program benefits to the institution.
Margaret Rush, MD, is a hospitalist fellow at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington D.C.